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Skilltec Course Bundles

Did you know that we offer Course Bundles?

These hand-selected collections are designed to give you the most complete learning experience in a subject area. Even better, they also come with up to 30% savings!

Our bundles are regularly updated and cover key subject areas like IT, Business Skills, and Sales. Find the one that fits your needs

Course BundlesSkilltec Course Bundles

Sales Professional - Powerful Tools & Techniques

Do you want to make a lasting impression on your customers from the very first meeting? Our upcoming course, 'Powerful Tools & Techniques', led by our expert trainer Jenny, is your pathway to sales excellence.

Why This Course?

  • Tailor your sales approach to customer needs.

  • Master the art of persuasion.

  • Nail your meetings and pitches. 

Who's It For?

New to sales or experienced, this course has something for everyone.

Violeta Passes her AAT Level 3 Synoptic Exam

Massive congratulations to Violeta Kuleva AATQB, our Accounts & HR Administrator, for passing her AAT Level 3 Synoptic exam with an incredible 90%!

Violeta has always been a driving force behind the scenes, ensuring everything runs smoothly. It's great to see her hard work and dedication pay off.

We couldn't let it go unnoticed, so we surprised her with some beautiful flowers. Here's to your next achievements and to continually raising the bar. 

A Guide to Power BI Visuals

Whether you're a beginner or looking for something more in depth, our Power BI training has you covered.

Depending on the data you have and how you want to present it, take a look at the options in our Guide to Power BI Visuals

Elevate your data game today by joining us on one of our training courses to explore this powerful tool further.


Easy as Py

Imagine pairing your Excel spreadsheets with the power of Python's leading libraries. Microsoft makes it happen in their latest update, setting a new standard for data analysis and visualisation.

Advanced Analytics: With the new PY function, you're not just limited to basic data crunching. Harness Python’s libraries to perform regression analysis, time series modelling, and predictive analytics, all within Excel.

In-Cell Python Code: No need to toggle between applications. Input and execute Python code directly within Excel cells, streamlining your workflow.

Feature Integration: Unite Excel's powerful functionalities like PivotTables and formulas with Python’s best-in-class libraries, such as matplotlib, for intricate visualisations.

Secure Execution: Run your Python calculations through Microsoft's secure cloud infrastructure, ensuring data integrity and safety.

Microsoft Project Professional

Want to get more out of Microsoft Project but don't know where to start? We’ve put together a quick guide on our four levels of Project training. Inside, you'll find customer stories, get to know our trainers, and learn about added benefits like free post-course support.

Become a Microsoft Project Professional

It's all part of the Skilltec Training way  of helping you find what fits you best!

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Using Microsoft Word is an experience that brings us both joy and pain. It's hard to imagine where we'd be without it, but if you've ever dealt with rebellious formatting or struggled to add a comment, you'll know exactly what we mean...   Luckily, there are some amazing shortcuts that can save you precious time. You're probably familiar with Ctrl+C (copy) and Ctrl+V (paste), but how about these:  

1️⃣ Alt+Ctrl+M: Add a Comment – Collaborate with your team and review documents super quickly.

2️⃣ Ctrl+Shift+End: Everything to the End – Select everything from your current position to the end of the document.

3️⃣ Ctrl+K: Create a Hyperlink – Save time by avoiding unnecessary clicks through menus.

4️⃣ F12: Open the "Save As" box – Manage document versions efficiently.

5️⃣ Ctrl+Shift+G: Check word count and other details – Whether for the whole document or just a section.

These shortcuts are a huge time-saver for us, and we hope you find them useful too! Did you know any already? 

Personal Impact & Influencing

Command attention, inspire action!  Join our Personal Impact & Influencing course this September at a 10% discount. Stand out for all the right reasons and learn more with us.  In this course you will learn how others perceive your actions, how to unpick the key skills of influential people, and implement a range of strategies to obtain the best possible outcomes for yourself and your organisation.  Have a look at the full course outline and see if this course would benefit you!

Time Management Free Taster Session

Ever felt like you need more hours in a day? Mastering the art of time management is a game-changer. Skilltec Training invites you to a FREE one-hour session this October. Arm yourself with strategies to boss your schedule and maximise your day. But hurry, spaces are filling up fast! Email to secure your spot!  Email to secure your spot! 

The Art of Assertiveness

"To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself. And to trust that there is enough, that you are enough." - Dr. Edith Eger, our new role model.
As Dr. Eger eloquently puts it, it's okay to tell people what you want and need. Assertiveness is the metaphorical 'just right' porridge when it comes to workplace communication - not too hot (aggressive), not too cold (passive), but just right.
So how do you do it? Here are five tips you can put into action straight away:
1. Embrace Active Listening: Before you speak, listen. Show genuine interest in others' perspectives and ask clarifying questions. This fosters mutual respect and open dialogue.
2. Use "I" Statements: When expressing your views, start with "I" rather than "you". For example, "I feel overwhelmed by the workload" rather than "You're giving me too much work". This reduces defensiveness and fosters understanding.
3. Set Clear Boundaries: Defining your personal and professional limits is crucial. Stand your ground calmly but firmly, and don't be afraid to say "no" when necessary. It's key to managing your priorities and avoiding burnout.
4. Adopt Positive Body Language: Maintain eye contact, stand tall, and use confident gestures. Your body language can convey assertiveness just as effectively as your words.
5. Practice Through Role-Playing: Simulating real-life scenarios with a friend or mentor can help you build confidence. It's a safe way to prepare for different reactions and practice your assertiveness skills.
Remember, assertiveness isn't about winning an argument; it's about creating a dialogue where everyone feels heard and valued. But, like any skill, it takes practice.
At Skilltec Training, we offer a one-day Assertiveness course that dives deeper into these strategies. It's a great way to build your assertiveness muscles and learn to communicate with more confidence and impact. Check out the course and see available dates at Assertiveness - Learn More!