PRINCE2 Training Courses

Our certified PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner training courses cover a comprehensive curriculum and provide the practical skills you need to effectively and successfully manage your projects. They have been designed to be inspirational and motivational but also structured and practical, very focused on the real world of work, as well as giving you the greatest chance of passing the exams – we have a very high pass rate.


Please click on the relevant course arrow below for full details including course outlines and Public Scheduled dates.


PRINCE2® is the world's most widely used project management framework, a structured method that is designed to be tailored to suit any kind of project in any sector. It offers a consistent approach and uniformity across teams, and allows you to work alongside suppliers or partners that use various different methods. It will also allow your organisation to demonstrate project standards through a widely recognised certification and allows you to bid for corporate tenders demanding project management qualifications.

For the individual, PRINCE2® qualifications will improve your project management skills and demonstrate your expertise to employers and prospective employers.

The PRINCE2® Foundation qualification is intended for:

  • Project Managers

  • Aspiring Project Managers

  • Project Board Members (e.g. senior responsible owners)

  • Team Managers (e.g. product delivery managers)

  • Project Assurance (e.g. business change analysts)

  • Project Support (e.g. Project and Programme Office personnel)

  • Operational line managers/staff

PRINCE2® works by dividing projects into manageable and controlled stages, focusing on the delivery of satisfactory products rather than simply carrying out a standardized list of activities. This ensures that managers can deliver projects on time and within budget while still periodically reviewing their progress in order to check that the project remains relevant in relation to high-level business strategy.


How can PRINCE2® certification benefit my business?

Investing in PRINCE2® training can enhance project management practices throughout your business, not just now but in the long term. PRINCE2® project teams have well-defined responsibilities within a project, as well as a clear vision of what is to be delivered, when, why, and for whom.

The framework also offers demonstrably effective processes for managing resources and expenditure, with the end result being more well-structured projects that deliver much higher ROIs.

At the same time, PRINCE2® project management will also help you to maintain the correct perspective when carrying out your projects. Several reviews will take place to ensure that work is proceeding in line with established business goals, and any errors will be addressed and resolved before work can continue.

Overall, the biggest and most clear advantage of PRINCE2® and its processes is that they can enable businesses to save time and money while also optimizing project value. The proven success of the framework has made PRINCE2® a staple of worldwide corporate project management. It has also created a thriving practitioner community where members are happy to discuss the framework, as well as how it is adapting to meet new challenges.


Group Training for PRINCE2® 

Both the PRINCE2® Foundation course and the PRINCE2® Practitioner training courses are available with exams as closed company courses specifically for the people in your organisation so please just ask us if there is a group of you who require the same training and we'll set up a course just for you on a date that matches your timescales.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are exams included in the price?

Yes – the exam is included in the cost of both the PRINCE2® Foundation and the PRINCE2® Practitioner course

Is courseware included?

Yes – courseware is included in both the PRINCE2® Foundation and the PRINCE2® Practitioner course

When do I receive my Joining Instructions?

Joining instructions are sent out approximately 2-weeks prior to the course start date and contain everything you need to know in order to attend your PRINCE2® course.

What is the Skilltec Training Virtual Classroom?

Our live-with-the-trainer Virtual Classrooms allows you to attend our PRINCE2® courses from anywhere. Our training specialists replicate the live classroom environment virtually incorporating using Microsoft Teams and encourage lots of class discussion.