The Security+ Certification Prep Course provides the basic knowledge needed to plan, implement, and maintain information security in a vendor-neutral format. This includes risk management, host and network security, authentication and access control systems, cryptography, and organizational security. This course maps to the CompTIA Security+ certification exam (SY0-501). Objective coverage is marked throughout the course.
Our Security+ courseware has received the CompTIA Approved Quality Content (CAQC) validation, assuring that all test objectives are covered in the training material.
What is Security+ Certification?
The Security+ certification is considered to be the minimum level of certification for all IT security positions beyond entry-level. This course delivers the core knowledge required to pass the exam and the skills necessary to advance to an intermediate-level security job.
Students will benefit most from this course if they intend to take the CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 exam. Read our white paper titled "New Topics on the New Security+ SY0-501 Exam."
This course supports a certification that is a DoD Approved 8570 Baseline Certification and meets DoD 8140/8570 training requirements.
Network Administrators
Cybersecurity Associates
IT personnel interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity
By actively participating in this course, you will learn about the following:
Proactively implement sound security protocols to mitigate security risks
Quickly respond to security issues
Retroactively identify where security breaches may have occurred
Design a network, on-site or in the cloud, with security in mind
This course assumes basic knowledge of using and maintaining individual workstations.
Attendees should be CompTIA A+ certified (or have equivalent experience) and CompTIA Network+ certified (or have equivalent experience) with 2-3 years networking experience.
Chapter 1: Security Fundamentals
Module A: Security concepts
Module B: Risk management
Module C: Vulnerability assessment
Chapter 2: Understanding attacks
Module A: Understanding attackers
Module B: Social engineering
Module C: Malware
Module D: Network attacks
Module E: Application attacks
Chapter 3: Cryptography
Module A: Cryptography concepts
Module B: Public key infrastructure
Chapter 4: Network fundamentals
Module A: Network components
Module B: Network addressing
Module C: Network ports and applications
Chapter 5: Securing networks
Module A: Network security components
Module B: Transport encryption
Module C: Hardening networks
Module D: Monitoring and detection
Chapter 6: Securing hosts and data
Module A: Securing hosts
Module B: Securing data
Module C: Mobile device security
Chapter 7: Securing network services
Module A: Securing applications
Module B: Virtual and cloud systems
Chapter 8: Authentication
Module A: Authentication factors
Module B: Authentication protocols
Chapter 9: Access control
Module A: Access control principles
Module B: Account management
Chapter 10: Organizational security
Module A: Security policies
Module B: User training
Module C: Physical security and safety
Chapter 11: Disaster planning and recovery
Module A: Business continuity
Module B: Fault tolerance and recovery
Module C: Incident response
Chapter 2: Understanding Attacks
Examining Phishing Attacks
Examining Malware
Probing a Site
Simulating a DOS Attack
Cracking Passwords
Simulating an Eavesdropping Attack
Exploring Application Vulnerabilities
Examining SQL Injection Attacks
Examining Client-side Attacks
Chapter 3: Cryptography
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
Creating File Hashes
Installing a Certificate Authority
Chapter 4: Network Fundamentals
Using TCP/IP Tools
Chapter 5: Securing the Network
Configuring a Firewall
Examining Website Certificates
Securing a WAP
Viewing Event Logs
Scanning the Network
Chapter 6: Securing Hosts and Data
Enabling BitLocker
Chapter 7: Securing Network Services
Finding Vulnerable Code
Chapter 8: Authentication
Installing a RADIUS Server
Examining Active Directory
Chapter 9: Access Control
Managing NTFS Permissions
Managing Active Directory Objects
Using Group Policy Objects
Creating a Security Template
Chapter 11: Disaster planning and recovery
Using Windows Server Backup
This course prepares you for the Security+ certification exam based on the 2017 objectives (exam SY0-501).
The SY0-501 exam is included in the approved list of certifications that meet DoD Directive 8570.1 requirements.
Our Security+ courseware has received the CompTIA Approved Quality Content (CAQC) validation, assuring that all test objectives are covered in the training material.
CompTIA Security+ Certification
This training course provided by Skilltec is accredited through Global Knowledge Training Ltd. Global Knowledge Training Ltd are the authorised learning partner; all trademarks and partner statuses are provided through them.